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battle cruiser
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English
battle cruiser
▪ Two weeks ago an Anacreonian merchant ship came across a derelict battle cruiser of the old Imperial navy.
▪ You admit that once we repair the battle cruiser nothing will stop Wienis from attacking us.
battle cruiser

n. (context military English) A fast, relatively lightly armoured cruiser designed to act as an advanced scout of the battle fleet; a development of the Dreadnought battleships

battle cruiser

n. a cruiser of maximum speed and firepower

Usage examples of "battle cruiser".

Under the circumstances I can arrange to have a heavy battle cruiser turned over to you.

Luke pushed the stick forward and followed Mara under the flaming belly of a kilometer-long KDY New Republic battle cruiser.

When you need more muscle than a diplomat, and less than a battle cruiser, you send us.

There hasn't been a Fifth Battle Cruiser Squadron since the last major Fleet reorganization, and aside from Achilles and Cassandra, who transferred in from BatCruRon Fifteen together, none of our units have any experience as a team.

A desperate dogfight had swirled across the red giant's sky, and the damaged battle cruiser Kalinin, her crew evacuated, had been left behind to an attention-distracting self-immolation.

Then he listened again to the thundering of the hypersensors on beard the battle cruiser Osage.

We have several in-system naval cutters that could slow down an orbital bombardment, but nothing to match a Deng battle cruiser.

He marked four of them for further consideration husband-and-wife pilots from the battle cruiser Liberty, a female crew chief who died fighting the hangar fire aboard Venture, and the Hassarian captain of the ill-fated Trenchant.